Frivolous Fridays July 12th

Happy Friday everyone! Today is my friend Shelly’s birthday so I just want to shout out – Happy Birthday!!  We have known each other since 3rd grade and actually hang out almost every week.  Very nice. 🙂  She even takes some of my book recommendations these days – woo hoo!

Anyway, that out of the way I just wanted to share that I have been obsessed with two different albums (what do you call CDs/albums/releases these days?!).  Anyway, both of these are fairly recent, have a ton of hooks and I have no idea what the lyrics are about, but they are fun to try to figure out. 🙂

Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City in particular ‘Step’  It is a little slow, but the lyrics have been talking to me lately.

AND I have been completely obsessed with Alt-J’s first album An Awesome Wave.  I had to break up listening to them with Vampire Weekend.  The one I love right now is Fitzpleasure, though I just watched this video for the first time and it kind of changed the song for me.  WEIRD! I would say, listen to the music, then if you are curious watch the video with the music.  They made it about as bizarre and ookey as possible.  I was envisioning strippers or some seedy nightclub.  They took it to the streets with people bending the wrong way.  Ick.

What are you listening to these days?  Let me know, I need a new band to keep me motivated at work (doing data clean up which is boring and I can blast a bit of music to keep me going.)  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

About ocdreader

I love to read! I always have a book or four going, I have more books in my to-be-read pile than I can read in a year and yet I continue to haunt the bookstores. I have a problem, but I somehow soldier on. I enjoy talking books, so pass on your recommendations and thoughts - I would love to hear them.
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8 Responses to Frivolous Fridays July 12th

  1. Happy birthday Shelly! It was some bloke called Francis’ birthday here at work today and he bought a load of cakes and stuff in. I feel sick.

    Is your friend Shelly really a middle-aged Korean guy called Francis who works in England…?

    I listen to techno dance stuff most of the time as I don’t really like anything else.

  2. Gwynn White says:

    Lana Del Rey. Imagine Dragons. Florence and the Machine. Killers. Coldplay, of course. Muse. Not very original, I know. Then I throw in some Rick Springstein and Uriah Heap to keep me young!!!!

    • ocdreader says:

      Florence was an obsession of mine last summer, I couldn’t change the iPod, it was crazy!! I just told Ron to get me Muse (he is the music gatherer) and I am pretty sure Lana Del Rey isn’t too far behind! Good suggestions 🙂 On the way to work, to mix it way up I listened to Led Zeppelin. It was so completely different it was fun

  3. jenniferbielman says:

    Really great songs. I am obsessed with Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.

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